Sunday, April 27, 2008

Homework 13: Ethics

1. accounting system - I feel that it would be more beneficial for everyone to have all the tests done first before releasing it. We have gone by with paper for a long time now so even if it may be beneficial to have a new computerized accounting system, the possible screw-ups that could happen horribly outweigh the benefits.

The benefits would be that things will probably go smoother and faster.

The possible errors could include accidentally removing all of a person's bank account balance or overcharging people, which can ruin lives depending on the impact.

2. game - Games are often released these days with bugs that developers patch later on. Although it would be nice to delay a game until it was perfect, since games in general are not life-threatening or life-saving, they can choose to skip some testing and release early. However, developers who choose to polish a game to perfection tend to be looked up upon, so releasing a buggy game early may not benefit the company in the first place.

3. photo-sharing system - This is something that looks harmless at first if something goes wrong, but i feel that it should be tested thoroughly and delay the release if needed.

Sure, lives are not directly put into harms way if, say, someone's photo was accidentally shared to everyone on the web instead of just to a select few, then they might not be able to get a job if the photo was something incriminating and the employer was tech-savvy enough to look up potential employees online.

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