Sunday, May 4, 2008

The final blog post!

How did i feel when i first went to the St. Anthony Foundation? I've actually been there before, so it felt like the same thing. I admit that i was surprised when i found out that they had an open computer lab, maybe just as surprised when i found out that there were so many open tech labs in San Francisco. The atmosphere was inviting enough that any doubts that i may have had coming in disappeared. Yes, there are homeless people around the area, but most of them are either friendly or will leave you alone as long as you are not rude to them.

Not much has changed since then. I still think that the St. Anthony Foundation is a great organization to work with and one that i would like to support. The one big change of opinion that i had was that doing something like this service learning program was nothing more than a bother for organizations like the Foundation. From what i gathered, most of the planning that Greg, Arnie, and myself did regarding the layout of the new building and possibly the new courses to be taught in their employment aid department will have a noticeable impact on the actions of the organization in the future. This did make me feel better about going to St. Anthony, and also about the service learning program in general.

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